Please note that publications can also be downloaded from my
SSRN site.
Quantifizierung von Schäden durch Wettbewerbsverstöße,
in: Andreas Fuchs und Andreas Weitbrecht (Hrsg.),
Handbuch der Privaten Kartellrechtsdurchsetzung, C.H. Beck, München, 2015, fothcoming.
(coauthors Roman Inderst and Ulrich Schwalbe)
Journal of German and European Competition Law (Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, WuW), 2014, 64(11), 1043-1056.
(coauthors Roman Inderst and Ulrich Schwalbe)
Umbrella Effects,
Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2014, 10(3), 739-763.
nominated for the 2014 Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards (Category Academic Economics)
(coauthors Roman Inderst and Ulrich Schwalbe)
Umbrella Effects and the Ubiquity of Damage Resulting from Competition Law Violations,
Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 2014, 5(4), p.247-251.
Toward a European Directive on Damages Actions,
Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2014, 10(2), 341-360.
Quantification of Antitrust Damages,
in: D. Ashton and D. Henry (eds),
Competition Damages Actions in the EU: Law and Practice, Edward Elgar, 2013.
(coauthor Ulrich Schwalbe)
Private Enforcement under EU Law: Abuse of Dominance and the Quantification of Lucrum Cessans,
CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 2013, 11(2), 1-11.
(coauthor Ulrich Schwalbe)
RPM under EU Competition Law: Some Considerations from a Business and Economic Perspective,
CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 2013, 11(1), 1-12.
winner of the 2014 Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards (Category Business Economics)
(coauthors Andres Font Galarza and Pablo Figueroa)
Market Definition,
OECD Best Practice Roundtables in Competition Policy, June 2012, 81p.
(coauthor Ulrich Schwalbe)
Zur Idee der Subsidiarität struktureller Maßnahmen im europäischen Wettbewerbsrecht,
Journal of German and European Competition Law (Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, WuW), Vol. 5, 2012, 487-500.
Model Platonism: Neoclassical Economic Thought in Critical Light,
translation of: Albert, Hans "Modell-Platonismus. Der Neoklassische Stil des ökonomischen Denkens in kritischer Beleuchtung",
originally published in Karrenberg, Friedrich, und Hans Albert (Hrsg), Sozialwissenschaft und Gesellschaftsgestaltung,
Festschrift für Gerhard Weisser, Berlin, Duncker und Humblot 1963, S. 45-76,
Journal of Institutional Economics (JOIE), 2012, 8(3), 295-323.
(coauthor Darrell Arnold)
The Enduring Relevance of the Model Platonism Critique in Economics and Public Policy,
Journal of Institutional Economics (JOIE), 2012, 8(3), 289-294.
(coauthor Darrell Arnold)
Traffic Management: The Respective Roles of Competition Law and Regulation,
CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 2012, 9(2), p.1-11.
Competition in Hospital Services - The Policy Dimension,
OECD Best Practice Roundtables in Competition Policy, February 2012, 58p.
Competition Work at the OECD,
mlex Magazine, 2012, January-March, p. 53-57.
(coauthor Nick Taylor)
On the Normative Foundations of Competition Law - Efficiency, Political Freedom and the Freedom to Compete,
in: D. Zimmer (ed.), The Goals of Competition Law,
Edward Elgar, p. 132-168, 2012.
Competition Assessment and Competition Advocacy,
Competition Policy in Asia, 2011, November, p. 1-2.
(includes articles from China, Chinese Taipei, India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, UK and Vietnam, p. 2-10)
Excessive Prices,
OECD Best Practice Roundtables in Competition Policy, October 2011, 85p.
Network Neutrality: A Competition Angle,
CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 2011, 8(2), p.1-10.
Strategic Underinvestment and Gas Network Foreclosure - the ENI case,
EC Competition Policy Newsletter, 2011, 1, 18-23.
(coauthors Federica Manca and Ulrich von Koppenfels)
Ostracism and the Provision of a Public Good - Experimental Evidence,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (JEBO),
2010, 73, p. 387-395. [also as Max Planck Preprint]
(coauthors Peter Martinsson and Gianandrea Staffiero)
EU Merger Control Five Years After The Introduction Of The SIEC
Test: What Explains The Drop In Enforcement Activity?,
European Competition Law Review (ECLR), 2009, 30
(11), p. 565-579. [report on the article in MLex,
(coauthor Kay Parplies)
The Law and Economics of Article 82 EC and the Commission Guidance
Paper on Exclusionary Conduct,
Journal of Competition Law (ZWeR - Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht),
2009, 1, p. 131-146.
(coauthor Michael Adam)
Rüstows Konzept der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft: Sozial- und wettbewerbspolitische
Dimensionen einer überwirtschaftlichen Ordnung,
in: M. Aßländer, P. Ulrich (eds.), 60 Jahre Soziale Marktwirtschaft,
Haupt Verlag, 2009.
(coauthor Remi Maier-Rigaud)
Remedies in European Antitrust Law,
Antitrust Law Journal, 2009, 76, p. 43-63.
(coauthors Per Hellström and Friedrich Wenzel Bulst)
Experimental Economics and Competition Policy: Unilateral and
coordinated effects in competition games,
European Competition Law Review (ECLR), 2008, 29(7),
p. 408-417.
(coauthors Daniel Wiesen and Kay Parplies)
Quo Vadis Antitrust Remedies,
in: B. Hawk (ed.), International Antitrust Law & Policy:
Fordham Competition Law 2007,
Fordham University School of Law, chapter 20, p. 597-611, March
(coauthor Philip Lowe)
Triggering Inspections ex officio: Moving beyond a passive
EU cartel policy,
Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2008,
4(1), 89-113.
(coauthor Hans Friederiszick)
The Role of Economics in Cartel Detection in Europe,
in: D. Schmidtchen, M. Albert and S. Voigt (eds.), The More
Economic Approach in European Competition Law,
Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, p.179-196, 2008.
(coauthor Hans Friederiszick)
The Role of Rivalry: Public Goods versus Common-Pool Resources,
Journal of Conflict Resolution (JCR), 2006, 50(5),
(coauthor Jose Apesteguia)
Prokent/Tomra, a textbook case? Abuse of dominance under perfect
EC Competition Policy Newsletter, 2006, 2, 19-24.
(coauthor Dovile Vaigauskaite)
An Experimental Investigation of Article 82 Rebate Schemes,
Competition Law Review, 2006, 2(2), 1-31.
(coauthor Martin Beckenkamp)
Article 82 Rebates: Four Common Fallacies,
European Competition Journal, 2006, 2(2), 85-100.
Switching Costs in Retroactive Rebates - What's Time got to do
with It?,
European Competition Law Review (ECLR), 2005, 26(5),
272-276. [also as
Max Planck Preprint]
Das Versagen des Wirtschaftsliberalismus by Alexander
revised edition including a list of all publications by and a
short overview of the life of A. Rüstow,
a subject and name index and translations of the french, greek
and latin passages,
based on the 2nd edition from 1950, Metropolis-Verlag:
Marburg, 352p., 2001
(coeditor Gerhard S. Maier-Rigaud)
Das neoliberale Projekt
p. 201-306, in: Das Versagen des Wirtschaftsliberalismus,
edited by F. Maier-Rigaud and G. Maier-Rigaud,
Marburg, 352p., 2001
(coauthor Gerhard S. Maier-Rigaud)
Review of The Evolution of Austrian Economics: From Menger to
Lachmann by Sandye Gloria-Palermo
(Routledge: London and New York, 1999 Routledge Studies in the
History of Economics 24, 208 pp.),
Review of Austrian Economics, 2001, 14(1), 97-99.
Politische Ökologie, Gründe unzureichender Umweltpolitik
& theoretische Implikationen am Beispiel des Treibhauseffekts,
49 Seiten, BSV Bonn 1994
(coauthors Jan Neumann and Rahul Sharma)
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